Toronto Star ePaper

Silly Ontario Liberals missed their chance

Robert Bahlieda, Newmarket

Ontario’s Liberals hit rock bottom. Could Bonnie Crombie be their saviour? March 7

Both the Liberals and the NDP missed a golden opportunity to defeat Premier Doug Ford in the next election when Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner declined the Liberal invitation to join their party.

Schreiner is the sharpest knife in the drawer and he saw that being the leader of the Liberal party was not a path to victory. After the last election with both the Liberals and the NDP without a new leader both parties gave into vanity and elected their own leaders rather than taking the opportunity to unite the left under one banner and challenge Ford’s Conservative majority.

A unified party under the leadership of Schreiner would have been a formidable foe. As it stands now both parties have doomed themselves to being also rans despite Marit Stiles and potentially Bonnie Crombie.





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