Toronto Star ePaper

Comic critic’s anger misplaced

Comic-strip storyline disrespects teens, letter, Sept. 23

As a regular reader of “For Better or for Worse,” I was surprised to see Elizabeth Guthrie’s heated criticism of its recent storyline of teens mounting a protest over bus fares.

I read the strips again. Her anger is misplaced. The students are not blindly following anyone’s anger in search of nothing but excitement, as Guthrie claims.

Some are chanting or inquiring about the issues, while others are explaining them, but only one teen of the many shown says, “We’re not talkin’ issues here! We’re talkin’ about fun!” Two strips later, another teen asks “Will there be food after?,” but that is after asking what was happening and what the fare hike was. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to portray a teen who sincerely asks about the issues and also wonders about sustenance while protesting.

I am mystified how Guthrie concluded that these characters are shown “behaving like truck-convoy adults.” Craig Leach, Scarborough





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