Toronto Star ePaper

Presidential palace opens up


For many South Koreans, the former presidential pal- ace in Seoul was a little-visited, heavily secured moun- tainside landmark. That’s now changed as thousands have been allowed a look inside for the first time in 74 years.

As one of his first acts, the new South Korean leader has moved the presidential offices from the Blue House, named after its distinctive blue roof tiles, and opened its gates to the public, allowing a maximum of 39,000 people a day to visit.

The normally serious compound has been trans- formed into something like a fair, with excited crowds looking around and standing in long queues.

The Blue House has gone through multiple trans- formations over the years. Once the site of a royal garden, the Japanese built the official residence for their governors-general there during Tokyo’s colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula. After Korea was liberat- ed from Japan in 1945, the U.S. military commander occupied the place until it became South Korea’s offi- cial presidential office and residence upon the coun- try’s foundation in 1948.

The Blue House opening is part of new South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s pledge to abandon the pal- ace and establish his offices at the Defence Ministry compound in the Yongsan district, about 5 kilometres away. Yoon said he chose the Defence Ministry com- pound because it’s already equipped with security- related command facilities. He said he aims to build something similar to the White House in Washington that would let citizens have a closer look at the building over a fence. Yoon said the new offices will allow for better communication with the public.

His relocation plans, however, have faced complaints that they were rushed and unrealistic. Critics say a hasty movement of top government offices could un- dermine national security by concentrating too much power in one place, cost too much and violate the property rights of people living in the area.

His predecessor, Moon Jae-in, also expressed worries that Yoon made his decision before hearing enough public opinion.

When Moon took office in 2017, he also pledged to move out in a bid to distance himself from his dis- graced, jailed predecessor, Park Geun-hye, who grew up there as the daughter of a dictator. Moon eventually abandoned his plan, and Park was pardoned late last year.

Yoon, however, started his first day earlier this month as president in Yongsan, and the ex-presidential office was opened to the public that same day.





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