Toronto Star ePaper


BY DAVE WILLIS Canadian Bridge c/o Torstar Syndication Services, One Yonge St., Toronto, M5E 1E6

Declarer drew trump to play a diamond for the queen and ace. He could then claim twelve tricks, N-S +920.

When South reversed, North elected to rebid hearts (forcing) which was a questionable action given that partner had revealed that he was 6-5 in the minors.

From North's perspective, partner was very likely to own a heart void but he then set the trump suit by rebidding four clubs.

This action worked like a charm when South continued with a heart cuebid revealing first round control and North reciprocated by disclosing the ace of spades. South then advanced to the minor suit slam, relying upon partner to display diamond shortness or perhaps the ace or queen.

The auction had informed East that he was not entitled to a heart winner and he, therefore, declined to double six clubs.

It is somewhat surprising that East did not offer a Sandwich 1NT overcall to disclose a two-suited hand with five spades and five diamonds. This call might well have dissuaded South from pursuing interest in a club slam.

Author: Dave Willis - visit his website at

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