Toronto Star ePaper



1 “Rigoletto” composer

6 Hindu sage

11 Miss Piggy's pronoun

14 Keenly attentive

15 Fraught

16 Happy sighs

17 Slip back

18 Unprincipled

20 Navigator's dir.

21 Bulrush or cattail

23 Really go for

24 Prize

26 Fillet

28 Apportions

30 Grill

31 Easily duped

32 Boxer's ploy

33 Massage

36 Antler prong

37 Talks too freely

38 Logical

39 Unit of work

40 Draws close

41 Quibble

42 Running mates

43 Small dwelling

44 Trophy winners

46 Pocket change

47 Dunne or Castle

48 Flank

49 Sombrero

52 Stargazer's aid

55 Jack up

57 Spike or Bruce

58 Mukluk wearer

59 Actress — Potts

60 Med. staffer

61 Grumpy moods

62 Astronomer Carl —


1 Glen

2 Flair

3 Abolishing

4 JAMA readers

5 Utter repeatedly

6 Fishtailed

7 Conductor's baton

8 Lemon drink

9 Assembled

10 Occupy

11 Georgia city

12 Chicago's airport

13 — of Wight

19 Adulated one

22 “Uh” cousins

25 Interlaced

26 — and drabs

27 Geologic time periods

28 Kitty starter

29 Covert

30 Chicago eleven

32 Swings loosely

33 Gorgeous

34 Military group

35 Actor — Lugosi

37 Pager's sound

38 Business encl.

40 Unbeatable opponent

41 Snapshot takers

42 Windmill blade

43 British FBI

44 Inch along

45 Keller or Hayes

46 Restricts one's intake

47 “— never fly”

48 Barbecue need

50 Tibet's setting

51 Prom attendee

53 Wolf Blitzer's network

54 Si, to Maurice

56 Collection of tales





Toronto Star Newspapers Limited