Toronto Star ePaper

Incentive to get vaccine is participating in normalcy

Re A big tent of COVID misinformation, July 24 The best incentive for vaccinations is a person’s job and the capacity to participate in the daily life of one’s choosing — as prescribed elsewhere, where the leaders are actually informed and not like our poorly educated premier, lack of vaccination comes with a price, literally.

No entry to restaurants, concerts, anywhere that crowds gather; no return to working without proof of full vaccination … what kind of privacy or rights come with the risk of infecting others and endangering our city, our province, the world?

Maybe the premier is blind to the reality that we all live. Perhaps his business ties blind him to the world apart from profit and cronyism. Blindness is the theme. But blindness in this case can be cured.

Joel Greenberg, Studio 180 Theatre

Let’s take a critical look at the antivaxxers and anti-lockdown adherents to examine whose civil liberty they are actually protecting.

Putting others at risk of infection and sabotaging vaccine clinics interferes with the rights of others to be protected from COVID-19.

It also jeopardizes the goal of reaching herd immunity and the possibility of going back to some degree of normalcy.

Not only are these people interfering with the civil liberties of those who want protection from the virus, they are also shooting themselves in the foot by increasing the likelihood of more lockdowns.

If the anti-vaxxers adherents are so vehemently opposed to lockdowns, has it not occurred to them that, if they were to get vaccinated, it would be a great way to help prevent the closings?

But that won’t happen as logical thinking is clearly absent among these folk.

Catherine Helwig, Toronto





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