Toronto Star ePaper

How to help ease your dog’s fear of thunder

Does your dog run and hide when thunder starts rolling in? You’re not alone. Fear of loud noises, especially thunder, is a common issue dog owners face. Sensitivity to sounds typically develops between the ages of two and four, and the problem tends to get worse with age.

The American Kennel Club offers the following tips to help dog owners ease their fourlegged friends’ fear of thunder.

Desensitize. This requires a great deal of time and patience on your part. Make a recording of a thunder sound and introduce the noise at a very low level. Slowly and gradually increase the volume and praise your dog when he does not run and hide from the noise.

Create a diversion. Try to divert your dog’s attention from the noise by playing a fun game with him before the thunder starts. This will help turn bad triggers into positive ones.

Give treats. Try giving your dog his favourite treats during the storm. If he will eat them, then give him one when the storm starts to keep him engaged and focused on something he likes.

Talk to your vet. Your veterinarian may suggest giving your dog tranquilizers or herbal mixtures before a storm approaches if he has severe anxiety. Sometimes these work, but they are not guarantees.





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