Toronto Star ePaper

Green party leader comes up short amid political conflict

Re Green party mires itself in controversy over its leader, Annamie Paul, and Israel, June 17

As a feminist, I take issue with the idea that women in politics use the cry of “sexism” against our prime minister when they run up against conflict within their party.

He may not be perfect, but if women feel they deserve special consideration or a more gentle hand simply because they are female, then perhaps they need to examine that, rather than pointing fingers. Some women are certainly strong enough and capable enough to thrive in politics without falling back on the “sexist” or “racist” card. There are many women out there — Chrystia Freeland and Kamala Harris come to mind — who have done just that.

Green party Leader Annamie Paul comes nowhere near this calibre of politician.

R. Walton, Guelph





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